Ysgol Cefnllys
Learning today to shape tomorrow
Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory
Dear Parents/carers,
As an update to providing free school meal allowance, we have been processing many supermarket vouchers which are being sent to you by email. These vouchers will be sent on a fortnightly basis, the next vouchers will be emailed to you on the 4th May 2020. Click on the link to find a useful guide on how to use the vouchers: https://sodexo-engage.com/p/48OT-A0V/free-school-meals
For those who have opted to have a bank payment and have completed the online form on the Powys County Council website these payments are being processed and will be paid into you bank account. There is currently a back log of applications waiting to be processed, this is due to eligibility checks having to be done, please bear with us.
Parents/carers will only receive either a supermarket voucher or a bank payment not both.
If you have any questions or have not been contacted about Free School Meals, please contact our team on 01597 826660 or email cashless.catering@powys.gov.uk