We enjoyed learning some circus skills. They developed our hand eye coordination, dexterity, balance, resilience and listening skills and of course it was really good fun. 😊🎪
The children collected data using tally charts, they then used the data to create bar charts.Finally they interpreted them to see which superhero was the most popular. 🦸🏼♂️🦸🏽♀️🦸🏻
We thought of lots of ways that we are super. How are you super.
We had some special visitors from Pentre Farm. ❤️
We received an email from super villain Dr Ice🧊. He had frozen all of the superheroes! Luckily Dosbarth Cangen came to the rescue- they melted the ice and saved the day! 🎉🦸🏻♂️🦸🏽🦸🏼♀️
We created our own superhero capes using alliteration.
Our topic this half term is Superheroes. Dosbarth Cangen have decided it is part of the ambitious and capable learners core purpose. Here are all the things they would like to find out. 🦸♂️🦹♀️
Our visit to The Radnorshire Museum. We saw lots of fascinating dinosaur bones, teeth and poo! We were able to hold them too. We also had a good look around the other exhibits . 😊🦖🦕
Dino Day! The children and staff dressed up as dinosaurs and palaeontologists. We had lots of fun - we even had a visit from three real palaeontologists who showed us lots of fascinating things. 🦕🦖
We learnt about Volcanoes! 🌋
We had an online workshop with Liam from The National Welsh Museum. He showed us some dinosaur claws, teeth and poo! He read us a story and we enjoyed making the correct sounds.
Fresh air Friday.
Still life - sketching and shading fossils.
Using tools to carefully get the dinosaur bones out of the ice blocks.
We made some fossils using clay and dinosaur bones.
Enjoying our dinosaur areas.
We investigated coprolite (fossilised dinosaur poo) to find out what dinosaurs ate. We found green plants, seeds, nuts, egg shell, meat and bones.
Our Topic this term is Dinosaur Planet. The children have decided what they would like to find out and do.
We have had a great first term in year one. Our topics have been The Enchanted Woodland🌳 and Moon Zoom 🪐 We’ve been artists, musicians, designers, readers, mathematicians and even made our own movie! We’ve developed our social skills and are becoming more independent with our learning. We record our work for our families to see on tapestry but here are a few example pictures of what we’ve been up to. 😊
The Enchanted Woodland
Dosbarth Cangen have written a senses poem about an Enchanted Woodland. They thought about what they may hear, see, taste, feel and smell in an enchanted woodland. They are so proud of their poem. ☺️
Our beautiful catchers. We took them through our wishing willow to fill them with love, happiness and kindness.
We have used willow to make dream catchers, they also catch some of the magic in our enchanted forest and spread goodness.
What would you most like to see in an enchanted woodland? We have find finding out what our friends would like to see.
We have been learning about evergreen and deciduous trees. Our class decided we like deciduous trees the most because they look so pretty in the Autumn and the fallen leaves are fun to play with. We used an identification sheet to find out what trees we have in our wild area and then made some bark rubbings. 🌳🍃🍂🍁
We have been measuring and comparing the circumference of tree trunks in our school grounds.
Sports day fun!
Our new topic is The Enchanted Woodland!
The children have lots of things they want to learn about.
We love Fresh Air Friday!
We have made clay animals
Our amazing zoo.
Look at our amazing artwork 😊
We made animal masks- which animals can you spot?
Our new topic 😊
Please note that for the purpose of blended learning for our Reception and Year 1 children we have now created a combined blended learning page on the main menu under the 'Children' tab. From Monday 18th January all blended learning activities will be posted on that page, rather than on these individual class pages.
Dosbarth Glasbren & Cangen Blended learning January 2020
Please find daily activities below for home learning. Also remember there are 'Busy Feet', 'Cosmic Kids' yoga and Joe Wickes kids fitness videos available on You Tube if needed. I will be regularly adding books to your child’s account on giglets and also maths games on their active learn account.
Reception and Year 1 have formed a bubble and will be sharing these learning tasks. There will also be a chance for a 'check in' meeting every day using 'Google Meet'. Don't forget to join our Google Classroom and share pictures of your work.
Welcome to our bubble.
Friday 15th January 2021
Today our story is one of my favourites. 😃 The Smartest Giant in Town. Please click on the link below to listen to the story. https://youtu.be/ZmhgwIJUZVg
* Please follow the link emailed to you for your daily phonics lesson.
* The giant in the story was so kind to everyone he met and he loved the crown he received. I think he would write them a thank you letter or make them a thank you card.
Write a thank you letter/ make a thank you card for all the animals from the giant. Or perhaps you’d like to thank somebody yourself- you could make a card/ write a letter to send to somebody.
*The giant was very tall, I wonder if he was the tallest character in the story. Who is the tallest person in your house? Can you organise the people in your house into height order? Or perhaps you could use your teddies and sort them into height order instead. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest?
Afternoon activities
* Dress up as a giant! Can you borrow some of your grown up’s clothes?
* Be kind like the giant. Do something kind for somebody to make them feel special. 🥰
Thursday 14th January 2021
Today our story is Room on the Broom. Please click on the link below to listen to the story. 🙂
*Follow the link emailed to you for your daily phonics lesson.
*Make up your own spell, what ingredients will you use? A scoop of mud? A pinch of moss? Learn your spell off by heart. You may like to write it down too.
*For this activity you will need a few different size containers. You could use a cup, a bowl or perhaps a measuring jug. You might want to do this outside in the garden or maybe in the bath!
Fill your smallest container with water ( you could also use rice, soil...) how many do you think it would take to fill one of the other containers? Make a prediction. Now full it up and count how many you need. Repeat with your other containers. Can you place you containers in order from the one with the least capacity to the one with the largest capacity.
Afternoon Activities
* Can you make a potion? This could be part of your maths work, language work or something completely different.
* Can you make a magic wand? You could find a stick in your daily walk and decorate it? Or build one out of Lego. I’d love to see some photos.
Today our story is Zog. Please click on the link below to listen to the story. 😊
*Follow the link emailed to you for your daily phonics lesson.
*In the story Zog there are lots of rhyming words, listen to the story again and see how many rhyming pairs you can identify. You can pause the story as often as you need to.
*How many words can you think of that rhyme with Zog? Can you write them down?
* Zog learnt lots of lessons in school. Can you remember the order of what he learnt? What did he learn 1st? 2nd? Etc.
*Can you make a paper aeroplane? Decorate it so it looks like a dragon. 🐉 I’d love to see some photos on out google classroom.
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Today we’re going to be listening to The Gruffalo. ☺️
The Gruffalo
*Follow the link emailed to you for your daily phonics lesson.
*Think of all of the creatures the little mouse meets. What letter do they start with? Practise writing the letters. You could do this with pen and paper, in some flour or even outside in the mud.
* Your afternoon activity to is make a Gruffalo crumble! Can you write down the method of how you make it? Think about the bossy verbs you need to use e.g. mix, add, measure, bake.
*Draw a lovely long snake just like the one in the story, colour it in using a repeating pattern. Use two colours to start with - perhaps blue, red, blue, red. Draw another snakes- how many colours will you use this time? Perhaps three or four. Remember to check your repeating pattern as you go along. 🐍
*Become a chef! In the story the mouse talks about eating Gruffalo Crumble and Owl ice cream! Your task is to make something based on the story. You might make some Gruffalo biscuits or some nut bars. Perhaps you will bake them in the kitchen with a grown up helper, or create something fantastic out of play dough. You might like to make a mud pie in your garden and decorate it with sticks for Gruffalo prickles. Be as inventive as you like and have lots of fun. I’d love to see some photos of your finished creations. 😊
Monday 11th January 2021
Today our work is based on the book ‘Super Worm!’ I hope you enjoy it. 😊
Super Worm.
*Please use the phonics link emailed to you.
*Super Worm was so useful! Can you make a list of all the things he was used for? Remember that when we write a list we put one item underneath the other and we put a comma after each one. I’d love to see your photos of your lists posted in our google classroom.
*Today we are going to measure the length of some objects in your home. Imagine a sock (or something similar) is Super Worm. How many socks long is your bed? Remember to start at one end of your bed and keep measuring until you get to the other end. Can you measure something longer than your bed? Or shorter? How many socks long is the longest thing you have measured? 🪱
Afternoon activities
* Go outside and find a patch of grass in your garden or on your daily exercise route. Dance and march around on the grass- the worms will feel the vibrations you are making and come up to see what is happening. How many worms can you spot? Do they all look the same?
* Imagine you are a worm underground. What do you think you might find? Perhaps some seeds, a lost toy or some treasure! Draw an underground picture and include all of the things you’d like to discover. Don’t forget to draw a worm! I’ll look forward to seeing some of your pictures in our google classroom. 😊
Friday 8th January 2021
Literacy - Please continue to access the daily Read Write Inc Phonics sessions posted on You Tube by Ruth Miskin. Its important that the children access these daily, as the letter focus will change in accordance with the scheme, which we would normally be following in school.
Today we will think about 3d shapes. Take a look at the videos below and see how many 3d shapes you can find at home. I bet yuo can build some great models using 3d shapes too!
3D Shapes Song for Kids | Learn about 3D shapes | Jack Hartmann
Five of the most common 3D shapes are the sphere, cylinder, pyramid, cube and cone. These 3D shapes are clearly shown, with examples of real-life 3D shapes.M...
3D Shapes I Know (solid shapes song- including sphere, cylinder, cube, cone, and pyramid)
3D Shapes I Know (new pyramid version)This version includes only ONE chorus at a time, whereas the old version used to do 2 at a time. I didn't like that the...
We hope you enjoy this story all about Percy Parkeeper and the Great Storm. Have fun building some new houses for the animals.
Today we are thinking about number 5.
Take a look at the number videos below. Can you write it? Can you make it in different ways? Can you write down the different ways of making five using a number sentence? Can you find sets of five objects around your home?
I Can Say My Number Pairs 5 | Math Song for Kids | Number Bonds | Jack Hartmann
Numberblocks - The Number Five | Learn to Count
We hope you enjoy the story below about little hedgehog. We can’t wait to see your pictures. Don't forget to upload photos to the Google classroom if you want to share them. Write your name on the back too.
One Snowy night read by Mrs Blundell and Miss Dawn
Thursday 7th January
Please see the links for Daily Read Write Inc phonic session.
You could also practise writing the letters of your name, and maybe your surname too! Remember your froggy fingers, and your letter formation rhymes which can be found further down the page.
We hope you enjoy this story, it's all about a very snowy night!
One Snowy not get read by Mrs Blundell and Miss Dawn
Dosbarth Cangen Blended learning December 2020
Hi everyone, please find the story videos below to accompany your learning packs from school. I hope you enjoy them.
Friday 18th December
Mrs Blundell will read 'The First Christmas' to finish off this week, and this term. Mrs Shearman and Mrs Burgoyne wish you all a lovely Christmas, and look forward to seeing you in the new year. Stay safe and well 🌈🌈.
'The First Christmas' read by Mrs Blundell
Thursday 17th Dec
Well done for all of your fantastic work so far. We hope you enjoy today's story 'Santa's special letter'.
'Santas's special letter' read by Mrs Blundell & Miss Dawn.
Wednesday 16th Dec
Today Mrs Blundell and Miss Dawn are going to share 'The Jolly Christmas Postman' with you. We hope you enjoy it!
'The Jolly Christmas Postman'. Read by Mrs Blundell & Miss Dawn.
Tuesday 15th Dec
'Dear Santa' by Rod Campbell. Read by Mrs Blundell.
Please check back tomorrow for the next video story.
What a busy half term! I hope the children enjoy their well earned extended half term. Here are some of our displays that the children wanted to show you.
We received a letter from The Three Little Pigs. They needed our help to test out the best materials to build a house out of. We decided that sugar cubes were wolf proof but dissolved in the rain!
We made faces using the chopped up fruit and vegetables just the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
We have been reading 'Oliver's Vegetables'. We harvested some vegetables and learnt how to chop them up safely. We enjoyed building tractors using our construction blocks.
It's great outdoors!
We have been acting out a story on the stage, can you guess which story it is?
We have been getting to know our new classroom - and having lots of fun!
Welcome to Dosbarth Cangen. The children have decided what they would like to learn about our new topic.
Welcome to Dosbarth Cangen. Our topic in September will be...
Our topic after Easter will be Wriggle and Crawl, here are some ideas for activities that the children can do during their time at home.
Happy St David's Day.
We began our topic by exploring our local woodland. We found lots of natural treasure, spotted wildlife and found some fairy houses.
Our new topic is The Enchanted Woodland. The children have decided what they would like to learn.
We meet a real life Superhero and learnt about fire safety.
Our Superhero day was lots of fun! We made masks, learnt some super skills like flying, made super healthy smoothies and we managed to stop the Super Villains and save the day!
Our new topic this term is Superheroes!
Topic web
Our topic this half term is Dinosaur Planet.
We love getting messy!
We loved meeting all of these animals.
Welcome back, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday. We are very excited about our new topic. Here is some information for you and a few ideas of things you might like to do at home with your child.
Look at our amazing castles? Can you spot any turrets, towers, battlements or drawbridges? Or perhaps a curtain wall?
We have been busy creating castles. What features can you spot?
We love using hwb to draw castles.
Everyone made a Rapunzel plait. We put them into length order. These are the longest and shortest plaits.
We have been busy building bridges with mini marshmallows and cocktail sticks.
Fun in the snow.
Our medieval day was so much fun.
World book day.
St David's Day
Coach Adam and Coach John taught us how to play tag rugby. We loved it.
We have been busy making love spoons.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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