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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Ffawydden Year 4 - Mrs Prince 2020-2021

Summer Term 2

Welcome back to the final 6 weeks of being in Year 4!

We have already talked about and gathered lots of amazing ideas about the activities you'd all like to do as part of our final topic. For the first time I also asked you all to decide what you would like the title of our topic to be. So after a class vote you all decided our topic title would be...

Happy, Healthy, Sporty Us

Great work Dosbarth Ffawydden, a fabulous topic title that encompasses everything we would like to learn about this half term. 

Here are just some of the wonderful ideas you have come up with. As the weeks go on I am sure you will add to our planning wall. As well as planning your own Sports Day, you can also look forward to taking part in some extra sports and health ad well-being  sessions, such as rugby, morning dances, our daily 10 minutes of moving challenge and even a little visit to the new community garden where we are hoping to pick and even taste some of the produce. All exciting and worthwhile experiences towards learning more about being Healthy, Happy and Sporty!

Pupil Voice Collaborative Planning

We have started our first week by doing a 10 minute a day challenge to keep our bodies moving by running, jogging or walking. Dosbarth Ffawydden have been very keen to keep this up everyday and are hoping to see improvements in their fitness by recording their results daily.

We have also been starting our mornings with a 'Wake Up and Be Ready' dance. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning the Cha, Cha, Slide this week and their moves have definitely improved throughout the week.

Some of them have also been choosing to keep their bodies healthy at break times, making up their own games and using some of the equipment available.

To keep our minds healthy we took our daily reading time outside, the children decided on how they wanted to read, some read to each other, some read to themselves we even had someone sharing a comic book that they had written themselves!

We also took our ICT lesson outside this week (it was very warm inside!). It was fantastic that the children could take their learning outside.

Healthy Environment

Some of you in Dosbarth Ffawydden are very passionate about keeping our environment tidy and decided you'd like to start litter picking at break times! I know there have also been some persuasive posters made to put up around the school to encourage others to keep our school grounds tidy. We could be seeing the start of some amazing eco-friendly ambassadors for our school, town, country maybe even the world!

Topic Front Covers

You have made a fantastic start to our new topic by creating your own front covers using relevant images and SSV.

Sports Day Planning

Some fantastic ideas for our class sports day.

We had the most amazing sports day. The children have thoroughly enjoyed everything about it from the very early planning stages to participating in all the days events and races. Da iawn to everyone, you were all SPORTS SUPERSTARS!!

We had a fabulous Tag Rugby Sessions with Coach "Mo".

We learnt lots of new skills and most importantly had great fun! Have a look through our photos, can you spot our "W" hands ready to catch the ball?

Look out, you could be seeing some future Welsh players here!

We were lucky enough to have 2 football coaches come and help us improve our football skills.

We played lots of skills games, had teams matches and some of us decided we'd like to do some more training.

Thank you so much for giving up your time to help us,

Becky and Emma.

Summer Term 1

We are so pleased to all be finally back in school!

This half term our topic is Burps, Bottoms and Bile. We will be learning all about the digestive system. 


Our collaborative planning.

The children came up with activities they would like to do and questions they would like to find out during our topic. 

What a fantastic first half of the Summer Term we have had!

Here are just some of the amazing things we have learnt and fabulous activities we have done. 

Autumn 2 - Tremors

As part of our Expressive Arts MILE this half term, Dosbarth Ffawydden had to create a piece of volcano art work, using the equipment given. These are our "Volcanoes in a bag."

They look fab!

Taking inspiration from Rob Osborne's, Volcano Pop Art.

We explored different textures and decided which made the best rubbings for our designs.

We learnt about onomatopoeia.

We created our own pop art, onomatopoeia vocabulary,using Word in our ICT session.

Then we put all these elements together and created our amazing Volcano pictures!!  heart

Making Volcanoes

Making a start on creating our own volcanoes!

Six different groups and six different ways to erupt a volcano, which one worked the best?

Introducing Popplets

This is the first time the children had used the app, Popplet. They have started to create some fabulous mind maps based on our new topic. smiley

Ideas For Our MILE's

The children have already come up with some amazing ideas for our MILE's this half term! They have managed to include a range of activities which cover the 6 Areas of Learning Experiences. We can't wait to get started on our new topic and see where it takes us!

Tremors Topic Web


We have had a fantastic first half term back.

We have been artists, scientists, mathematicians and poets as well as being a part of the SCRIBBLEBOY fanclub!! wink

The children have all been amazing and so enthusiastic about everything we have done!  smiley

Our Teamwork Stories

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During our Health and Wellbeing sessions, this half term we have been learning about teamwork and being mindful. For this activity the children were given a pile of Lego and were not allowed to build anything until they had decided, as a team, what they were going to build. Then they had to create a story about it. These are the groups who felt ready to perform their story for the rest of the class. I'm sure you'll agree they have fantastic imaginations and we love how some stories even had a moral!

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Still image for this video

Dosbarth Ffawydden have been amazing at settling back in to our 'NEW NORMAL.'

 As well as taking ideas from Cornerstones, the children have been thinking hard about the activities they would like to plan for this half term. We can keep adding to our planning wall as the term goes on so feel free to keep thinking of more ideas!!

Please find our topic web for this term, below.


Topic Web - Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 4 - Dosbarth Ffawydden!

Hello to you all!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mrs Prince and I am the Year 4 teacher this year. You will also get to know Mrs Hards who is our teaching assistant.

We are very excited to be welcoming you all back in September, after the strange way we ended last year, but we can't wait to get to know you all. 

So, you may have already gathered that we will be known as Dosbarth Ffawydden in September and just to get you into the swing of things, our first topic will be Urban Pioneers!

This is an Expressive Arts  based topic but we will cover a wide range of the curriculum through the topic and also look forward to planning some of the activities with you, so please get thinking and bring all of your ideas in September!

These are some of the things we are hoping to look at in the first half term. We’ll investigate urban art including graffiti, murals and statues. We’ll write an information leaflet about our town. Using digital mapping tools, we’ll identify the streets and buildings. We’ll investigate cities around the world and find out how they’ve changed over time. We’ll have questions about where family members work or places you often visit, and we’ll present the data we have collected. As part of our science and technology work, we'll find out how light is used to keep people safe at night.

Until then, have a fantastic Summer and I look forward to hearing all your news in September. smiley


We are Dosbarth Collen 2019-2020. This is us!

Welcome to our class page! Here you will find up to date information on what is happening in our class.

Summer Term 1, 2020

In preparation for our topic next half term, MIGHTY METALS. Please feel free to have a look at these ideas.

Mighty Metals - Home Learning Ideas

Spring Term 2, 2020

Welcome back! We hope you have enjoyed your break.


Our topic for this half term is Myths and Legends!


This half term Dosbarth Collen will be trialling some new ways of learning in preparation for the new curriculum. The children will have more ownership over their learning and be involved with some of the planning.

We are also lucky enough to be involved with an Arts Council for Wales project (in partnership with Newbridge-On-Wye Primary School), where the children will have the opportunity to work with creative practitioners and lots of new skills.

Storyteller Visit

Our Planning Wall

Stop Motion Animation

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As part of our creative afternoons, we have been learning how to use stop motion animation. These are our first creations.


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Spring Term 2020.

Welcome back! hope you all had a good break.



This half term our topic is 'Blue Abyss.'

We have many exciting things planned, including a trip to an aquarium and finding out more information about our adopted class dolphin, which the children have named Bubbles. We have sponsored a dolphin for the year and are looking forward to receiving more information about our dolphin throughout the year! 

The children have already started work on this and topic, they have so many wonderful ideas and have come up with their own table names to do with the ocean.

Spring Term 1 - General Class Timetable - 2020

The children have had a great time making creatures from under the sea, using modroc. This was lots of fun and really messy! 
Autumn Term 2, 2019

Welcome back, We hope you had a good half term break!

We are really looking forward to this half terms topic Scrumdiddlyumptious! It will be lots of fun looking at loads of delicious things. 

We have started our topic already by doing a science experiment to see what will happen when you add water to skittles, The children really enjoyed doing this and found out some interesting points.

In Art we have been looking at the Artist Acrimbold, We then created portraits coping his style! We enjoyed using the fruit and vegetables as body parts. 


Autumn Term 2019


This half term our topic will be Tribe! We will look at the Celts and how they lived. We will be going on a trip to St Fagans to see how the Celts lived!

Please be aware that due to trips and other activities the daily timetable may occasionally change.

Tribe Topic Web

Please find all spelling lists below for this half term. The children will have a paper copy to bring home, please check which spelling list they are using. Spelling test will be every Friday.

We had a go at making Celtic roundhouses, we found out that they used mud, clay, poo and straw! we enjoyed making them but it was very messy!

On Wednesday 18th September 2019, We had a brilliant day at St Fagans Museum, where we learnt about the Celts for our topic!

We looked at a Warrior graveyard and found out a lot of information about the remains in the grave and what they symbolised for the Deceased Celtic Warrior! We also had a look around a Iron age farmstead and a roundhouse, the children were brilliant at answering and asking relevant questions about the Celts. We had a go at weaving it was a lot harder than it looked. Mrs Prince and Mrs Hards were so impressed Dosbarth Collen that we had time for a go in the park be getting on the bus home!! Busy but amazing day.

We have had a great time this term learning about the Celts.The children have being looking at non chronological reports and have produced some amazing Non Chronological reports about the Celts.

In Science we have been looking at Electricity, we carried out an investigation on what conducted electricity and what didn't! The children loved doing this.


The children have produced some amazing Non Chronological reports on our topic 'Tribe'.

We have all really enjoyed this topic about 'Tribe'.
