Ysgol Cefnllys
Learning today to shape tomorrow
Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory
Welcome to Dosbarth Ffawydden!
Red Ridge Activity Centre
On Friday 6th May we went on a class trip to Red Ridge Activity Centre - have a look at some of the activities we took part in.
Dosbarth Ffawydden have shown fantastic perseverance skills while engaging in circus skills. They have fully participated in fantastic sessions led by Pete Duncan as part of our Creative Schools Project.
Spring Term 2022
This half term we are going to be learning about The Rainforest. Look at the topic web above to see what we will covering.
The children in Dosbarth Ffawydden thoroughly enjoyed learning about The Rainforest during the Autumn term. Here is some of the learning that took place: