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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Gwernen Year 3 - Mrs Francis 2020-2021

Welcome to Dosbarth Gwernen 2021- 2022

This term we are going to be finding out more about Tribes and in particular 'The Celts'

Autumn Term 1 Topic Web

Summer 2021

This term our topic is Emperors and Empires.



Emperors and Empires Topic Web

Welcome to Dosbarth Gwernen 2020/21

Hello and welcome to Dosbarth Gwernen!


In September, you will be taught by Mrs Francis, Monday-Wednesday, and Mrs Samuel on Thursday and Friday.  Our teaching assistant will be Mrs Morris.

After our strange end to school in September, we are looking forward to welcoming you all back, and hearing what you have been up to.


Our topic for the first half of the autumn term will be ‘Land Ahoy,’ so get your thinking caps on, we will be planning our activities and learning relating to this topic together in September.


Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!





Dosbarth Gwernen 2019-2020

Well the time has come to say goodbye to our fabulous class of 2019-2020.

We have had some great times including our visit to St. Fagan's near Cardiff for our Tribe topic.Visit to a reconstructed Celtic Roundhouse.

And the Blue Planet Aquarium near Chester.

We have really enjoyed teaching you and wish you all the best in Year 4.

Have a lovely summer break.


Welcome to Dosbarth Gwernen

Here are some home learning tasks in preparation for our next topic 'Mighty Metals'.

Tribe Topic Web

Timetable 2019-2020



Our next topic for Spring term 2019 will be The Romans are coming

Our Visit to Caerleon


We had a brilliant time on our Roman day, we made Roman bread, swords, clay pots and Roman mosaic pictures. In the afternoon we played Roman games and finished the day off with a Roman feast, we had meat, bread,grapes, dates and mice (chocolate) all washed down with blackcurrant squash. A very busy and enjoyable day. 


On Friday April 5th, Paul Rowe came into school to do a tennis workshop, We all had great fun.

This half term, we had Georgie in with us to do Yoga we all had a relaxing time.

This half term Dosbarth Gwernen's topic will be Sportswear Designers.

On Tuesday 30th April , We dressed in our sportswear ready for our new topic sportswear designer. we looked at the design, where they were made and what materials they were made from, it was a very interesting investigation.  

Summer Term 2019


Our last topic in Year 3 is 'Burps Bottoms and Bile'

We have learnt a lot about our digestive system in this topic, It has been great fun and a little bit gross!

We carried out a science experiment to see what we needed saliva for and what did it do? it was a pretty yucky experiment

We had great fun making wearable digestive systems and then presenting them to others to see! It was so much fun and we learnt a lot.

This term we will also be swimming on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kits.
On Thursday 6th June, We were lucky enough to have a Robotic workshop visit the school. We all had an enjoyable time making the robots move and watched them sing and dance. Dosbarth Gweren won the relay race with the robots.

Friday 7th June, Year 3 were lucky enough to be part of the Llandrindod Wells 'Big Wellness Walk'. We went to the renaming of the town which will be Llandrindod Wellness for the day.

We then went to the lake and listened to the Bracken trust choir who sang to us before we started on our 1km walk around the lake, it was very wet but lots of fun!

This half term we were lucky enough to have Monty the therapy dog come in to visit us and listen to us read stories! It was very relaxing for all of us.
