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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Criw Cymreig

Croeso i'n tudarlen Criw Cymraeg!

Welcome to our Criw Cymraeg page!



We are a crew of enthusiastic Welsh learners who are working hard to encourage everyone to speak Welsh in all aspects of our school life.

There are 8 members of the Criw Cymraeg with members from Year 2  up to Year 6. We try to meet regularly with Mrs Cadwallader-Jones to discuss ways of encouraging everyone to speak Welsh.

We held a competition - Here is our new logo. Da Iawn Freya and Josh

We have achieved our Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award for bilingualism and have now started to work on the Silver award.
Some representatives of Criw Cymraeg went to an event on the Royal Welsh Showground called Tanio'r Ddraig. there were lots of other schools there and we had the chance to have lots of fun activities in welsh. we were very lucky to attend.
The first session we attended was Sessiwn Ioga. We learned lots of new things which we will share with everyone. It was good fun and we learned lots of new words.
The next session we attended on Tanio'r Ddraig day was a beat box session with Mr Phormula and he was "bendigedig".
The we learned all about the Welsh language and how important it is that we try to learn and keep the language alive. An actor played the part of Mr R. Ben. Igwr and he was "yn wych"

We would like to encourage everyone to have a go at speaking Welsh at home too!

Here are some useful phrases for you to practice and use:

Bore Da (pronounced Bore-ray-dah) Good Morning

Prynhawn da (Prin-hown dah) Good afternoon

Nos Da (Norse dah) Good night

Diolch (Dee olch) Thanks

Da iawn (Dah ee awn) Very good

Sut wyt  ti? (Sit oyt tee) How are you?

   Then answer by combining Da iawn + diolch  - Very Good Thanks

Mwynhauwch !

Enjoy !



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