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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Onnen Year 2 - Mrs Drew and Ms Burden 2020-2021

Welcome to Dosbarth Onnen 2021-2022

Our second topic of this term, was Movers and Shakers. The children were able to look around the class 'art gallery,' learning about a range of artists and their work. The children chose six to draw their own thumbnails of, before doing a detailed sketch of their favourite.

The children had a go at drawing their own still life...

We got stuck into our first topic of the year, Muck, Mess & Mixtures, with lots of 'interesting' things.....

Thank you Dosbarth Onnen for a great year! We wish you all the best as you move on to Year 3 laugh

Dosbarth Onnen's Sports Day 2021

We started the day with some parachute games and the javelin...

After break the children chose to do a shuttle run and target throwing...

Finally, in the afternoon were the races - running, beanbag balance, egg & spoon, sack and wheelbarrow...

Our memorable experience for 'Muck, Mess and Mixtures' involved oobleck, shaving foam and yucky cold porridge!

Summer term 2 2021

We were very lucky to be involved in a Creative schools project. We chose a storyteller and a sculptor to take us on our journey of creativity. Here is just a taster of what we got up to....

Summer 1 2021

We have decided to continue our topic, 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers' this term as we have something exciting that we will be taking part in. Watch this space.............................👀

Spring term 2 2021

Hello and welcome to Dosbarth Onnen!


In September, you will be taught by Ms. Burden on Monday and Tuesday, and Mrs Drew, Wednesday-Friday.  Our teaching assistant will be Miss Burton.

After our strange end to school in September, we are looking forward to welcoming you all back, and hearing what you have been up to.


Our topic for the first half of the autumn term will be ‘Land Ahoy,’ so get your thinking caps on, we will be planning our activities and learning, relating to this topic, together in September.


Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you soon!







Croeso i Dosbarth Onnen...

Welcome to Dosbarth Onnen...

Spring 2020

Term 3


Topic Web

Autumn 2019

Term 2

Moon Zoom

Moon Zoom Topic Web

Today we started our new topic of with a very unexpected...ALIEN CRASH!!!

The children enjoyed investigating some new and very strange materials, they wrote their own police incident reports and started creating their own missing alien posters as we think it’s hiding some where in the school...we found some very strange footprints!😯

Autumn 2019

Term 1

Dinosaur Planet

Our Dinosaur Day

Dosbarth Onnen enjoyed their visit from PC Viv today😊

Meeting Ronnie the T-Rex and his friends!!!

Our topic after Easter is Wriggle and Crawl. Here are some fun activities the children can try.

Croeso i Dosbarth Onnen....

Welcome to Dosbarth Onnen....

Summer Term 2 Topic Web - Muck, Mess and Mixtures

If you would like to do some bits related to our topic Muck, Mess and Mixtures at home, here is a list of ideas. Please bring them into class, we'd love to see what you've been up to :-)

Wednesday 19th June

On Wednesday, Dosbarth Onnen went on their school trip to the Elan Valley. We had a fun packed day, split up into three parts.

Our first session was in the play park, where a lot of us got to grips with the zip wire. We had lots of fun....and an ice cream 😍 

Our second session was called Forest Adventure. First, we used a 'smell enhancer' and bits of nature to create our own potions which we named and talked about what it might do to people. We then learnt how to cook toast over a campfire and to make a spark for our own fire. Finally, our session ended with us making clay animals and hiding them in the woods. 

Our last session was a bug hunting walk. We learnt about different bugs that can be found in our country as well as others from hotter countries (which were a lot bigger!!!) We then took our nets and pots and set off to see what we could find!! 

A fantastic day was had by all 😊

Tuesday 4th June 2019

We had a very 'messy' introduction to our topic on Tuesday, exploring lots of disgusting mixtures.  Despite the weather, fun was had by all!!


Summer Term 1 Topic Web - Paws, Claws and Whiskers

Monday 3rd June 2019


As part of our 'Animal Rescue' themed task, we made boats to save the animals and rescue them from the island. Great team work and some super ideas.

Tuesday 7th May 2019:

Today, as part of our topic, 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers,' we were visited by A. & S. Animal Encounters.

They brought 5 different animals to show us.  We met 'Sonic' the Lesser Tenrec, from Madagascar and 'Bumblebee,' the 3 banded Armadillo. We also saw 'Biscuit' the Bearcat, 'Frank' the Possum and 'Bobby' and 'George' the Meerkats.

Everyone loved meeting and learning about the new animals.

Tuesday 30th April 2019:

We were so lucky today to have Monty, the golden retriever, visit us in Dosbarth Onnen. He fitted in perfectly with our new Summer topic 'Paws Claws and Whiskers'.

He is a 'Canine Care' friend and visits children in other schools and local residential homes.

He was very friendly and allowed us all to stroke him. We hope he comes to see us again. 

Welcome back to school after the Christmas holidays. Happy New Year from Mrs Walker and Mrs Bufton. We hope you all had a lovely break.  This half-term our topic will be Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. We are looking forward to seeing some of the castles made over the holidays. Any materials will be fine. Just a reminder that P.E. will remain on Tuesdays. You can leave your kit on your peg. Show and Tell will also remain on Tuesdays. Please try to read with your child each evening and send book bags every day. Also please put names in clothing especially red jumpers! Snack remains at 30p a day or £1. 50 a week. See you on Tuesday 8th January.

Here is our topic web:-

Here are some of the amazing castles that we made :-