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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Ffawydden Year 4 - Miss Gough 2021-2022

Welcome to Dosbarth Ffawydden!

Red Ridge Activity Centre

On Friday 6th May we went on a class trip to Red Ridge Activity Centre - have a look at some of the activities we took part in. 



Climbing the pole

Rope Swing

Zip Wire and Rope Bridges

Dosbarth Ffawydden have shown fantastic perseverance skills while engaging in circus skills. They have fully participated in fantastic sessions led by Pete Duncan as part of our Creative Schools Project.

Spring Term 2022

Welcome back after the Christmas break.

In red are the children's initial ideas for our new topic. This is a working document that we will look at again in a few weeks once the children know more about The Victorians.

The Rainforest

This half term we are going to be learning about The Rainforest. Look at the topic web above to see what we will covering.

We started off with a visit from Into The Wild Animal Enounters. Can your child tell you what the different animals are?

The children in Dosbarth Ffawydden thoroughly enjoyed learning about The Rainforest during the Autumn term. Here is some of the learning that took place:

  • Locating rainforests in the world
  • Identifying the layers of the rainforest
  • Animals of the rainforest
  • Why do we need rainforest plants?
  • Deforestation

Have a look at some of the fantastic art work completed about the rainforest.
