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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Dosbarth Onnen/Year 2/3 - Mrs Drew 2023 - 2024

«««Croeso i Ddosbarth Onnen«««

Spring 2024

This term we are learning about, 'Our Wonderful World.' We again began the term by talking about what we would like to learn. These are the children's ideas....

Spotlight Day: Fairtrade Day

Wednesday 13th March


As a class we discussed the term 'fairtrade.' We also found out what import and export meant, and then found out more about bananas and their journey to the supermarkets.

World Book Day

Thursday 7th March


We celebrated World Book Day by coming to school in our pyjamas and bringing our favourite book. We had a look at the books and discussed our favourite pages. We then took part in a class book quiz, before watching a live reading and draw along of 'I'm not Sleepy.'

Spotlight Day: Cymru

Wednesday 28th February 


We celebrated all things 'Wales' today, by learning some Welsh dancing, cooking Welsh cakes and using our art skills for some observational drawing/painting of daffodils.

We have been learning about and experiencing Chinese New Year traditions.

Spotlight Day: Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 7th February


We talked about how to keep ourselves safe on the Internet and what a digital footprint was. We also read and talked about what silly things 'Chicken Clicking' got up to, that put him in danger.

Spotlight Day: World Religion Day

Wednesday 24th January 2024


We took part in a number of activities to learn more about St. Dwynwen.

Autumn 2023

This term our big question is, 'Who are we?' We began the term by talking about what we would like to learn. This included learning more about ourselves, but also about where we live and it's history.

We have talked about our local area and looked at photos to see which places we recognised.

We were very lucky when Bethan from Impelo came in to work with us. She helped us create movement based on our big question.

We experimented with 'Spheros,' which were lots of fun!

Yummy biscuits to look like Pudsey's spots for Children in Need.

'A Christmas Quarrel' was our Christmas play this year.
