Ysgol Cefnllys
Learning today to shape tomorrow
Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory
As many of you may be aware, the Welsh Government are keen to ensure all families have access to an IT device from which their children can continue to learn at home, hence our recent questionnaire - MANY thanks for assisting us with our task to find out who has what access to IT devices at home.
As a cluster of schools, we are looking to pool our school resources and distribute these fairly to families who currently have no devices at all. A few parents have inquired about receiving a device when their children are already currently using one from home; it is most unlikely that our supply will meet this demand.
I understand the difficulty involved in trying to allocate a device at home fairly among more than one child whilst also having to access it to complete your own work tasks - it is incredibly difficult but a brief timetable can assist! I The staff have planned many activities that do not have to be completed using an IT device; you have also shared with us some wonderful photographs detailing the activities you are all completing...these are great! BENDIGEDIG.
We have just submitted our collected information to the Local Authority - we await the next 'stage' of their digital plan.
Tomorrow, and thanks to the wonderful work of local businesses, craft and food parcels will be distributed to those 'most in need' from our car park. This is a wonderful community based project which we hope will bring a bit of joy to a number of you at this tricky time.
It has been queried as to how this can happen, especially since we cannot hand out paper copies of school work. I'm afraid that the Local Authority were clear that the copying, collating and handing out of 'work' could not happen; however, they have agreed for the distribution of boxes from the car park, since no one will be entering the school building in order to put these together. The boxes will arrive at the car park ready to be passed on - social distancing measures will be in place and we ask that these are adhered to.
Diolch am eich dealltwriaeth yn ystod yr amser anodd hwn - thank you for your continued understanding at this difficult time.