Llandrindod Wells C. P. School
Ysgol Gynradd y Sir Llandrindod
Return to School September 2020
All contents of this Charter have one goal: the continued safety of children, parents/carers and staff.
As a result of the most recent Welsh Government guidance, the following will apply on our return to school. There will be regular review of the school’s COVID19 risk assessment.
- Classes will stay together and not mix, so there will be no whole school activities such as assemblies, concerts etc
- Hand hygiene will remain in place
- Only essential visitors will be allowed on the school site
- Staff will need time to reassess the children so IEPs will be written and shared with parents after half term
- Parent’s evenings will not take place until the beginning of the Spring term
- There will be no after school clubs run by staff, in order to minimise the number of contacts during the day for all children
- We will return to having sensible indoor shoes
- We will expect all children to wear uniform (our new logo will be ready by mid-September but uniform with old logo is fine to wear)
- We will continue enhanced cleaning including frequently touched surfaces
- We will have to reduce the number of contacts between staff and children wherever possible
- The majority of children will sit side by side and facing forwards as opposed to being in groups
- We will be unable to prepare food at this time so please provide your child with a healthy morning snack
- Breakfast club and after school club will resume on 7th September 2020
School arrival and departures
TEMPORARY arrangement whilst Guidance is in place and is subject to change.
- All children are expected to return to school
- The car park will NOT be available for morning drop off, it will be used for children to gather in their class groups
- Wherever possible drop your child off and do not accompany them on to the school grounds. Staff will be present in the car park from 8.35am.
- Y3-Y6 children should arrive 8.35 - 8.50.
Rec – Y2 should arrive 8.50 - 9.00.
If you have children in different year groups bring them all at 8.50-9.00
- On arrival into school the class will meet their teacher on the playground
- Children will leave via the usual class exits.
- When collecting your child/children you will need to adhere to the current Welsh Government guidance.
Hand washing and hygiene requirements
- Children still need to carry out all thorough handwashing and sanitising that is requested, without complaint.
- Any pupil deliberately coughing or spitting at other pupils or staff will be sent home.
Lunch will be provided in the usual way. A menu will be posted on the school website when received from Powys. The contents of a lunch box will need to be accessed unaided by your child, to ensure social distancing is maintained.
First Aid
A Temporary First Aid/Medication Policy has been agreed for the period 29th June 2020 to 24th July 2020.( see website)
Remember we are all continuing to work together at this uncertain time and we need to follow guidelines to keep everyone safe and provide the best opportunities possible.
This document may be updated considering any further Government guidance.