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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Q&A for parents

Dear all,


I hope you've all enjoyed this summer holiday. 


We are really hoping the sun will return next week. If it doesn't, then all pupils will need to bring a coat with them to school.


Please can I ask that you all read this before we open for pupils next week - it is long but notes a lot of key information. Diolch.


We are looking forward to seeing you all again on Thursday 3rd September – thank you for your continued support. 


Below is a Q and A sheet ahead of our reopening next week for all pupils and staff. We apologise for the hard line that we have had to take concerning some matters, but the safety of staff, pupils, families and our community remain our ongoing concern.


Guidance states that

  • Children do not need to distance from each other WITHIN their class
  • Adults DO need to distance from each other, from parents and from children

This will have an impact on the way we normally operate, we will however try to make things as normal as we can for children, as well as following guidance to keep staff and learners safe.



  1. What school systems are currently in place to keep everyone as safe as is practically possible?


Here’s a summary...


  • Different start times have been agreed for Rec to Y3 and Y4-Y6 to ensure less adults are on the site at any one time and children stay separate in their classes; this system will ensure we see less crowding at the school gate. The School car park will be CLOSED as each class will congregate on the car park before they are taken in by their teacher.
  • There will be day time cleaning of all high touch areas, as well as the usual daily end of day clean – the cleaning team have been fantastic and ensured our building was spotless ahead of re-opening in July.
  • Visits to the toilets will be monitored by staff – a system of one out at a time will be enforced.
  • Meals will be eaten in the hall in staggered times, classes will sit together and children will need to support us by eating within the allocated time
  • Pupils will continue to hand wash and sanitize regularly during the school day.
  • An isolation room has been identified and stocked with relevant PPE.
  • Children must only bring with them items that they need – stationery is provided in school so no need for pencil cases etc. Children can bring bags but only where necessary as cloakrooms will be used one class at a time.
  • Only staff and pupils will be allowed to access the building.
  • We are unable to prepare snack so please make sure your child has one that they can access.



  1. Will I be able to drive my child/children to school?


Yes, but the car park will not be available...we would prefer for pupils to walk to school. We do recognise that in some cases the distance from home to school is too great. If you do drive you will need to drop your child off in the Powys car park. Staff will be in the car park from 8.40am – no earlier. If you need to accompany your child due to their age we ask that you bring them to the car park and leave as soon as possible leaving them in the safe care of staff.



  1. Can someone else bring my child to school?


Yes - we politely ask that one adult brings your child to school; the same adult does not have to pick them up.


  1. Where do I wait to collect my child?


You can collect your child in the usual way from the external door to their classroom. Year 3 children have moved classrooms and are located next door to their old Y2 class. Staff will be around the first week to help guide any parent who is unsure. We ask and expect, as adults, that you socially distance from other parents and children when collecting your child.

 If it becomes clear that social distancing is not being carried out at the end of the day then finish times for classes may have to change and become staggered, as we have a duty of care for our whole school community to keep them safe.



  1. What if I am running late to drop off or collect my child?


This will not be accepted during this time, your child can be refused entry to school if this will be detrimental to the safety of children and staff – your child must be dropped off & picked up on time. We have to limit the movement within school as children need to remain with their class only at all times.


  1. Will I be able to access the school office?


No - the school office will remain closed to the public. If you need to contact the school urgently then please contact the school using the following email address: or call the school on 01597 822297


Have you changed your contact details since you last saw us? If so, please ring or email these to us now.


  1. How will the staggered entry to school work?


Please arrive at the following times depending on which class your child is in...


START at 8.40: Year 4 Mrs Prince, Year 4/5 Miss Gough, Year 5 Mrs Smith, Year 6 Miss Powell


START at 8.50: Reception Mrs Blundell, Year 1 Mrs Shearman, Year 2 Mrs Drew/Ms Burden, Year 3 Mrs Francis/Mrs Samuel





  1. Are we allowed to cycle/scooter into school?


No – we are avoiding bringing any extra items into the school building each day at present and this would include a cycle/scooter helmet; thus at this time, we kindly ask you to walk.



  1. Will my child be able to walk to school and from school on their own?


We are happy with older children walking to and from school alone so long as you have informed the class teacher.




  1. Will there be any breakfast club or after school club?


Breakfast club and after school club will open on Monday 7th September for Breakfast club and Tuesday 8th September for after school club. This can be managed due to our low numbers and the classes the children attend. Children who attend these clubs will need to remain in their class groups ONLY and cannot mix with children in another class. This situation will have to be monitored to ensure guidance is followed.


  1. Can my child order a hot dinner?


Yes – the school kitchen will be open again on the 3rd September. For those children eligible for free school meals payments will continue to be made by Powys until 14th September. From this date free school meals will be available from school for those eligible.


  1. Will my child need to wear uniform?


Yes please – please contact the school office via phone or email to discuss uniform and any ordering queries you may have. .



  1.  What happens if my child has an accident (toileting)?


We will change a child should such an accident occur or phone you for your support if needed – PPE will be worn by staff needing to carry out such a task.


  1. What will my child need for school?


Each pupil will need:


1 school bag in which they have their: reading book/s, lunch box, named drinks bottle (freshly filled each day), sun hat and named sun lotion (if needed).

1 suitable coat


Items that will not be accepted:


Toys of any form

Pencil cases

Everything else other than what is included in accepted items above


Please note that staff are unable to listen to readers on a 1:1 basis, but will continue to exchange reading books. Please ensure your child brings in the book once read with you at home. PLEASE make every effort to read more with your child.


  1. What if my child has a cold/unwell, can I still send them in?


No - we must stress that the children must stay home if they are feeling unwell


  1. If I have had to give my child Calpol (or the equivalent) in the morning, can they still come to school?


YES – if they have had it for a headache and are feeling a lot better than when they woke up.


NO - if they had the Calpol due to a high temperature.


NO – if they had the Calpol due to having a sore throat; please keep them at home during these times.


  1. What if my child’ clothes are not clean on arrival to school?  Will they still be able to enter the school?


No - it is really important that the children are presented cleanly on arrival at school. It is important that we set the bar high with regard to hygiene. If uniform is not available due to washing please dress your child in appropriate alternative clothing.


  1. Do I need to contact the school if my child is unable to attend school?


Yes – you will need to tell us what is wrong with your child. If your child is displaying one of the recognised COVID symptoms, then please follow the Welsh Government testing advice.


This can be found at…


If you leave us a phone message, please ensure you tell us what symptoms your child is presenting with at home - we need to know more than ‘NAME is feeling unwell’.


  1. What happens if my child is upset and doesn’t want to enter the school building?


We will comfort your child as far as we can with distancing guidance & offer lots of verbal encouragement - hopefully that will work.



  1. Will staff be wearing masks in school?


The guidance from Welsh Government is that there is no expectation from staff to wear masks in the education setting. However, staff have the right to choose whether they wear a mask or not. Please understand that if a member of staff wants to wear one, that is their choice.


What if my child is showing COVID-19 symptoms in school?


Any child showing symptoms will be isolated with a member of staff who will be wearing full PPE. They will then go into the isolation room until they can be collected. We will phone you and ask that they are immediately collected. There will then be a deep clean of the rooms that the child has been in to make sure that they are safe to use again.



  1. What happens if they have different starting times?  Will they be able to enter the school at the same time?


If you have children in classes across the school please bring them all at the later time of 8.50am



  1. My child has asthma, what happens with their Asthma pump?


Where the child can administer the pump on their own, then they will continue to do so. If they need support, a member of staff will wear PPE and support them. It is important if your child needs an inhaler in school, that they have this with them. It is NOT the responsibility of the school to make sure of this. It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure that the child has an up-to-date inhaler with them if they require it. 


  1. My child hasn’t needed their inhaler for ages, do I need to send one in with them?


Yes - please do not take any risks and make sure your child has their pump with them. We are unable to check inhalers already held on site, therefore you will need to ensure that new/in date inhalers are sent in with pupils.


We hope that all of these answers can satisfy the many questions you may have. If you still have a question that I haven’t answered, then please do get in touch


Yours sincerely,


Ms K Jenkins

Head teacher


