Ysgol Cefnllys
Learning today to shape tomorrow
Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that the parent charter you have already received answers most of your questions, but to clarify we have put together the following FAQ.
Please remember that at the heart of ALL of these decisions is the safety of staff, pupils and their families.
Will I be able to drive my child/children onto the school grounds?
We will allow this to start with but request that you do NOT pull over randomly to let your child out of the car. Please use a designated car parking space and accompany your child to the waiting area of the gate. Also only use the car park to drop off and collect and the specified times in order to minimise the number of people on the grounds. We will have to review this to ensure it is safe so please work with us to get it right.
Can someone else bring my child to school or my child walk by themselves?
Whoever brings your child to school must have the knowledge of the household and whether anyone is symptomatic as they will be asked this question.
Your child must come to school with an appropriate person and not walk to school alone. They are able to walk home unaccompanied if they are an appropriate age to do so and you have given us permission in writing. Previous home school agreements do not count in this situation and you will need to let us know that you are happy for your child to walk home alone during the Covid19 restrictions.
Where do I drop off and collect my child?
All drop offs and collections will take place at the gate. Only the children in the pod of the allocated time will be permitted in during that time slot. We need to ensure children are socially distancing as they line up on the playground and are escorted into class by staff. No child will be able to come in early.
What if I am running late? Will they still be able to attend school that day?
If you arrive later than your allocated drop off time you will have to wait until all the time slots are completed. If you arrive when the gate is closed unfortunately, we will NOT be able to allow your child to access the school on that day. This is to make sure that all staff who are not teaching are available to support those who are in the classroom. Please also ensure you collect your child on time and during their allocated collection slot.
Will there be social distancing on the way into school?
The school has marked out 2m distances from the gate. We expect you to adhere to the social distancing rules whilst waiting to drop off and collect your child.
Will I be able to access the school office?
The school office, although manned will be closed to the public and only absolutely essential persons will be allowed access. If you need to contact the school urgently then please contact the school using the following email address office@cefnllys.powys.sch.uk or call the school on 01597 822297
Will there be any breakfast or after school clubs?
Following guidance there will be NO breakfast or after school clubs this term.
Will my child need to wear uniform?
Children will be NOT be expected to wear uniform to school. Children will need to wear clothes that are comfortable and clean.
What will my child need for school?
We must be very clear here about what the expectations are for the school.
Accepted items: -
School is providing all the resources your child will need so do not bring in anything else from home.
Will my child be with their class teacher?
The plan will allow your child to spend one day with their child and another with their next teacher. This is dependent on staff availability.
Do I need to contact the school if my child is unable to attend school on their designated days?
Please phone the office
What happens if my child is upset and doesn’t want to enter the school building?
Normally we would try and comfort the child and encourage them to come in. We would normally put an arm around them and encourage them to come in. Due to social distancing rules we are unable to do this. If you child is upset and verbal encouragement does not work, then unfortunately you will have to take them home with you.
Will staff be wearing masks in school?
The guidance from Welsh Government is that there is no expectation from staff to wear masks in the education setting. Staff have the right to choose whether they wear a mask or not. Please be understanding that if a member of staff wants to wear one, that is their choice.
What if my child is showing COVID-19 symptoms in school?
We will follow NHS Wales and Powys County Council guidance. They will be isolated with a member of staff who will be wearing full PPE. They will then go into an isolation room until they can be collected. They will then need to be collected straight away from the school. There will then be a deep clean of the rooms that the child has been in to make sure that they are safe to use again. There is very clear guidance for the school to use.
Can I swap my child’s day so that they can go in with their siblings?
We have put a timetable together to make sure we are able to achieve the check in days with limited numbers of children on site, so no swaps can be made sorry.
What if I have siblings in on different days? Will I be able to bring my other children with me for drop offs and picks ups?
Yes, as long as you adhere to the social distancing rules.
What happens if they have different starting times? Will they be able to enter the school at the same time?
You will have to socially distance and wait for the correct time for your child to enter the school.
My child has asthma, what happens with their Asthma pump?
Where the child can administer the pump on their own, then they will continue to do so. If they need support, a member of staff will wear PPE and support them. It is important if your child needs an inhaler in school, that they have this with them. It is NOT the responsibility of the school to make sure of this. It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure that the child has an up-to-date inhaler with them if they require it.
My child hasn’t needed their inhaler for ages, do I need to send one in with them?
There are enough worries with Covid-19 for staff without the added concerns of a child not having their asthma pump with them. Please do not take any risks and make sure your child has theirs with them. We are unable to check inhalers already held on site, therefore you will need to ensure that new/in date inhalers are sent in with pupils.
Obviously, these are difficult times, but the safety of staff and other pupils is our main priority, if any child does not follow the social distancing rules set by the school, parents will be contacted and asked to come and collect them straight away.
First Aid
There is a temporary First Aid Policy on the school website, please read carefully