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Ysgol Cefnllys

Learning today to shape tomorrow

Dysgu Heddiw Er Mwyn Llunio Yfory

Important Information on the reopening of our school

As I am sure you are aware it has been a challenging time to get the school ready for reopening. We have had guidance from the Welsh Government and Local Authority to consider in planning the reopening, in order for it to be as safe as it possibly can be for all our pupils and staff.

This safety is at the heart of all the decisions we have made.

The school will look very different to our children, and we are planning on producing a short video and photographs so that you can share this with your child before they return. This will be next week as school is still running as a cluster childcare Hub and will be put on the school website.

The Minister for Education has called these return to school days 'check-ins'. They are planned to be an opportunity for us to do just 'check-in' with your talk together, play games, have fun, explore home learning and any issues which may have occurred...they will not be a normal National Curriculum delivery day.

It will be a joy to see all the children back in school, albeit for a reduced time. We have organised it so that all children have the opportunity to come in for a day each week for the 4 weeks. They will be in at the same time as their class, and they will have the chance to ‘catch up’ with their current teacher and meet their next. We will attempt (weather/space permitting) for each class to all be together in some form of a circle game each day that they are in, obviously taking into account social distancing rules.

With safety in mind, there are set and staggered start & finish times and we ask that these are respected.

There will be NO non-essential visitors in school so if you need to get in touch please do so by emailing

Home learning will continue in the same format – on your child’s Google classroom and on the website. Staff will feedback on this learning on a Wednesday only as they are in school full time on other days.

Attached is a charter for parents and pupils, which we request that you share with your child before they return to school, so that we are all working together to stay safe.

All the staff are looking forward to the children returning, and I can assure you we will do everything in our power to make your child’s return to school as ‘normal’ as is possible and be here to support your child.


Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support
